Profile PictureKinkykusco

Kidnapped Date

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In the musty solitude of a dimly lit basement, Lila found herself bound to a pole, an wild detour from her romantic evening with Tristan, a man she had met online. They had shared an intimate meal at a charming Italian restaurant, basking in the warm glow of candlelight, their conversation punctuated with laughter and the clink of wine glasses. When her world had blurred and sunk into unconsciousness, she had a final thought, that he must have drugged her.

Awakening in the stark, cold confines of the basement, Lila's pulse quickened, the metallic grip around her wrists harsh against her skin. Her last clear memory was of Tristan's captivating eyes and his laughter resonating through the bustling eatery. She was miles away from that now, alone in an abandoned basement, a victim of a horrifyingly perfect first-date-turned-nightmare.

As her reality sunk in, a shiver of excitement wound its way up her spine. She reveled in the harsh chill of the concrete, the stark bite of the chains. Everything was as she had envisaged - the uncertainty, the adrenaline, the tantalizing deprivation of her freedom. It was a thrill, an addiction, a beautifully twisted game. And she knew, she couldn't wait for Tristan's return. The desire to touch herself, to quench the searing need within her was consuming, but the way she was bound, it was an impossibility. She yearned for his touch, for his control, for their game to continue.

25 photos of "Lila" wearing a cute blouse, while gagged and wrapped tightly in chains binding her to a post, where she awaits her date to return and ravish her.

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Kidnapped Date

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